Monday, September 3, 2007


Normal people normally changes. Some of us face difficulties while doing make over on his or her characters. While we are wishing to improves our self we normally thinking about what happened when we changed for better? The bummer truth is that people feel threatened. Deal with being rejected for your growth here! in the office or college. Why normally there is somebody who can not accept other changes even though it is the better new u?

When all of these phenomena occur we must learn on how to settle down the problems. Should we regress or regroup back to the unaccepted group. We should learn how to manage the problem rise. From one of the magazine that I have read before I have learn some new tips.

If there is some body who did not like the new you we should know how to cope nicely with them. We must realize that beneath their respond on what ever it is. We should lies some fears on them to. If they respond with criticism or withdrawal, don’t take their attitudes personally. We should study on how to let something that hurt our feeling goes freelyJ

If they make a move on stop communicating with us, we exactly must know on how to keep communicating back with them. If someone stop calling it does not mean that we cant pick the phone an make a friendly phone call towards them. It is excellent if we avoid preaching some body who cant cooperate with us. If now we are living in a better live, never try to transform other people towards what you have done.

We should also keep on eyes on what moved we have just made. Ensure that the new schedule continued every day. Replace the old choice with the smarter one and stop pining for approval. Finally, when you feel that you are ready it is nice to regroup back. All of this kind of education in a relationship were not exactly being teach in school, so keep on learning by others experiences and by having a wonderful reading materials.

But in mind we must always keep these words…
Whatever you have found God, Mr. Marvelous, or inner strength, step off the soap box. You cannot improve anyone but yourself. And so nobody can improve our self accept our own self !^_^!


izzat said...

wuaa..byk nyer..

saya said...

hehe..comment in english please^-^